While in the corporate world ‘control’ is an essential and often distinct organizational function regulating and protecting shareholders’ interests, in banking, unbiased control on investment activities and related data has long been astonishingly insufficient. XY’s comprehensive approach to asset and liability management in the context of global estate orchestration sees constant, unbiased measuring of positions and scrutiny of transactions in light of agreements in place with the institutions involved. This is a disruptive element in client-to-bank relations, establishing a new estate orchestration trust model based on independent data intelligence.
XY modernizes today’s wealth management ecosystems by establishing control and accountability. This is achieved with a growing client and market data acquisition backbone worldwide. After systematic reconciliation of bank and third party errors, a technology-assisted reporting goes live. The estate owners enjoy a transparent view of their asset and liability base and can finally control their wealth in real-time.
The global estate orchestration and real-time monitoring service extends to financial and real assets, as well as to all holding vehicles. By leveraging XY’s proprietary technology, scenarios deriving from strategic decisions can be simulated, with the identification of pertinent implementation guidelines. To avoid any conflict of interests, XY doesn’t have any power of attorney on behalf of the client.