XY brings real-time supervision and tailor made solutions in the governing of corporate financial assets of more than 200 million USD, as well as the implementation of risk policies with a powerful decision support system.
For large organizations with a significant financial asset base, XY facilitates the seamless introduction of financial management policies in line with international best practices and supports the design and implementation of investment strategies in line with corporate objectives.
A proprietary technology solution monitors financial assets and liabilities in real-time, with particular attention to currency fluctuations and counterpart risks, as well as to costs and returns. Corporate treasuries can leverage aggregate and detailed information regarding the type of risks, thereby allowing the risk management policies to be equalized, reaching efficiency especially in the management of cash equivalent instruments.
Key questions for Corporate organizations:
- How can liquid assets be monitored with high-quality information in real-time?
- How can risks related to the various counterparts involved be dynamically measured and monitored?
- How can risk premiums be improved? What are the implications on risk policies?
- How can foreign exchange risk or risks related to other external variables, to which the company may be vulnerable, be covered?
- How can sources of funding be diversified and financing costs be reduced?
- How can financial flows and costs allocated by financial institutions be systematically verified as correct?